at the
ON FEBRUARY 27, 1951...
...Bernie and Mickey Hanula founded the institution known as the Players Retreat. Less of a bar and restaurant, and more of a family, the PR remains a popular respite for the young and the old, the rich and the poor. It is a place where people from all walks of life rub elbows, share toasts, good times, and laughs. At 68 years old, very little has changed since its humble beginnings. In 1994 Pete Jarrell took over the PR and continued the tradition. Our friends Bernie and Mickey passed away several years ago. In their honor, our staff and our guests strive to keep the PR the way that it has always been and as it should always be. Thank you for your patronage and support over the years, and may the PR continue for another 68 years.
- Gus Gusler, Proprietor/Owner
“Let's raise a glass to this year's winners of the Wine Spectator awards. And no, that's not a typo: The Players' Retreat, long known as a burgers 'n' brews joint, has been polishing its act of late and is indeed a newcomer to the list...” - 2010 AND 2011 WINE SPECTATOR AWARDS
“When you do look up, you'll find yourself ensconced in pretty much the same surroundings that have welcomed generations of Wolfpack fans. Now, thanks to the vision of Gus Gusler and the culinary talents of Jean Paul Fontaine and his kitchen crew, the PR is widening its embrace...” - RALEIGH NEWS AND OBSERVER
“Locals call it "the PR", a tavern across from North Carolina State University that's been there since 1951. A friend of mine took this place over. It's a great place to watch a game, drink a beer, and chow down on Mimi's Sausage Dip and Chips...” -ASHLEY CHRISTENSEN
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for 25 years, a quarter of a century, Mickey and Bernie Hanula
have provided a haven dedicated to the Democratic way of life
and liberty in the pursuit of happiness and
The Players’ Retreat remains an oasis in the parched wilderness
where the keg of kindness has never run dry and
like the post office, the PR has mugs on the wall and despite
sleet, snow, and stormy last call has always delivered its
patrons of care and
world famed players of field, floor, and footlights have
found a true brew retreat from the word of computers
and accountants
Now Therefore Be It Resolved That
The Players’ Retreat is hereby Designated a Historic Sight
And Sound of and by the State of North Carolina.
“Retreat, Heaven!”
Done This 27th Day of February in the Year of Our
Lord Nineteen Hundred and Seventy Six, being
The Two Hundredth Year of Our Need and
Our Independence.
Hon. Thad Eure
Secretary of State
State of North Carolina
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